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Our Work

ECE Reform develops systems to improve quality of life for children in their early years, especially ideas for ECE and care system change, and takes these proposals to the government. To see more about how ECE Reform develops and presents these proposals, go to How ECE Reform works. At this stage all four projects have been submitted to government for discussion.

Proposal: The 2:8 model for home-based ECE and care


Want to teach in a home-based setting but can’t provide the home? We have a solution for this. In the 2 teacher, 8 child model (the ‘2:8 model’) half the workforce doesn’t need to own the home, so this option could be open to you – if we can get the government to provide for it in legislation. Home-based ECE and care has many good things going for it, including a home environment, a family-like setting, small group size, usually more space per child indoors and outdoors than centre-based care (although not by virtue of legislation), and better ratios. Why restrict this to 1:4? ...

Proposal:  Wellbeing and education together – The Early Years Ministry


In 1986 childcare was brought under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, and at the time this move made very good sense. All children could now receive early childhood education if they were enrolled in a licensed service. We’ve had over three and a half decades to see the effect of this system. While it began well, the care in ECE and care has been badly neglected, and the Ministries of Education and Health remain siloed. Children's wellbeing needs have fallen through the gap, and teachers are being damaged. The proposal for the Early Years Ministry would treat teachers as the Ministry's professional colleagues, and bringing a holistic, cross-government, time-of-life approach for children. For ECE, it replaces the functions of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Education Review Office. Interested? ...

Proposal: Replacing the archaic licensing system  – Quality-based contracting (QBC)


Why fund poor quality care?  Quality-based contracting (QBC) is all about quality for children (and teachers). It replaces the current licensing system, and would be a big, positive change for NZ ECE and care. The essential difference in the new system is the requirement for the government to choose better quality providers, and remove those of relatively poor quality.  Legal isn't necessarily good. This is a quality-driven system, favouring better quality providers, regardless of the ownership model...  

Proposal: Improving ratios, group size, space per child


New Zealand has very poor standards for teacher:child ratios, and for space per child both indoors and outdoors. We have a particular problem however when it comes to improving ratios, as New Zealand has a serious teacher shortage, largely driven by these poor conditions. This conundrum needs a carefully considered, phased solution...  

Quality-based Contracting
2:8 model for child home based ECE and care
Early years ministry
Ratios, group size. spaces
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